Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Elliptical and Anniversary

Hello all.  I'm really bored so I decided that it would be a good time to write a blog post. 

We got our elliptical not last weekend but the weekend before.  It's a Body Break Dual Action Programmable Elliptical Trainer with 24 set programs on it and automatic resistance.  I am in love with it, but there is a story that came with it haha.  When we bought it in Winnipeg (which is an hour and half away), we brought it home and it took Jeff about 2 hours to put it all together.  We plugged it in too see if everything is okay, and that's when I realized that we have the worst luck out of any consumer in the history of buying things.  Of course it didn't work.  The screen kept flashing an "E1" error message. I was so upset.  Seriously, nearly everything we buy doesn't work when we get it home:  My bike, our TV, karaoke machine, humidifier... ugh!  Since it was a Saturday, we couldn't call the manufacturer to get them to send whatever part we needed to fix it until Monday.  Oh and the troubleshooting part of the manual was written in direct Chinese-to-English, so it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.  We refused to take it back because it takes so long to get to Winnipeg and that is waste of gas and that would cost us even MORE money.  It has a one year warranty, so the company had to fix it for us.  So Jeff called on Monday and they said they would send us a new motor with no questions asked and it would be here in 3-5 business days.  Then when Jeff came home he decided to check out the motor we had to see exactly what was wrong with it.  After taking it all apart, he realized that one of the wires inside was stuck.  He moved it and YAY the thing started working!  So now we have a working elliptical AND a new motor in case this one breaks for real.  What an ordeal!

So I try to run at least 5 km a day on it.  I thought it would be really hard at first but actually it's really easy.  I'm really happy that Jeff bought it, I really want to get back into shape. 

Our 3 year anniversary was yesterday.  Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 years already.  I never thought I'd find someone who I'd be with for this long.  I'm so happy though, and I hope that we are together forever, I really do.  The elliptical was our anniversary present and Jeff also bought me some flowers.  I made Chicken Carbonara Pasta for our anniversary dinner and it was actually really REALLY good. 

Well, that's all for now I guess!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Warming Up!

Hokey smokes, it's -5°C!  In Manitoba!  IN JANUARY!  I know this may seem cold to some of you people, but that is freakin' warm for this time of year out here.  It was just -24°C a few days ago!  That's not even the best part though, it's actually going up to +2°C this weekend!  It's like spring is making it's early arrival or something.  I shouldn't get too excited though.  It's probably going to get colder again.  Damn weather!

We are getting our brand spanking new elliptical this Saturday.  I am beyond excited.  Time to get into shape!  The one we are getting is by Body Break I think.  You know, "Body Break: With Hal Johnson and Joanne McCloud!" haha.  It's supposed to be a really good brand, so I hope it works out for us.  We are getting it from Wal-Mart because they are having a sale right now.  I think the sale price is $367.99.  That's actually a pretty good deal.  We of course decided against buying at Canadian Tire because, and I am not even exaggerating one little bit here, EVERY single thing we have bought at Canadian Tire has broke within days of purchase.  Every single thing.  A TV, my bike, a humidifier... the list goes on.  Their customer service is beyond crappy.  The place is just a piece of garbage.  It's an embarrassment to even have Canada's name in it's title.  Honestly. 

Well I have to go and see if anyone is stealing my laundry out of the dryer.  I hate this apartment building.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back In Manitoburrrr

Well I'm back in Manitoba.  We came back from Ontario on Sunday, January 3rd.  We got to the airport and thought we might not make it home though!  There was an apparent terrorist attempt on a flight on Christmas Day and this caused any flights going out of Canada to have HUGE lineups and delays because of higher security.  We were freaking out when we got there because our flight was supposed to leave in an hour and the lines were so long that there was absolutely no way we would get out of there on time.  Thank God that a West Jet worker was walking around yelling "Winnipeg, 8:15am!"  We went to her and she directed us to the front of a line.  We made it! 

The trip home was really nice.  It was good to see everyone again, even though I was kind of glad to be coming back to Manitoba.  Not that I wanted to leave my family, but just because I hate living out of suitcases and I like living on my own because I get to have all my own things where I want to have them and it's not so hectic and it's quiet.  I would love to live near my family, but I would have to have my own place lol.  Dixie and Sampras are pretty glad to be home too, they can run around here and not worry about other dogs or cats being in their way.  Sampras can sprawl out on the floor for the first time in 2 weeks and he loves it lol.  I do miss home though. 

People in Ontario are wimps though lol.  They kept complaining and whining so much about how they hated the "cold" weather they were having.  Oh my God, it was freakin' -15°C!  Give me a break haha.  When we left here to go home, it was -48°C and when we came back here it was -27°C!  They don't know how lucky they have it!

We are getting a new elliptical not this weekend but the next.  I'm so excited!  My New Year's resolution is to get back into shape and get healthy again.  I hate being sick all the time.


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