Friday, October 2, 2009

The Week In Review

Ugh.  Talk about a week from hell!

So it started last Saturday with the 5 hour wait in the hospital to determine what was wrong with my foot.  Turned out I tore a bunch of tendons and ligaments.  So I've been sitting around doing nothing because my foot is in a cast and I can't put an pressure on it or the plaster cast with break.

Then on Monday night I woke up in extreme pain and had to take the cast off.  It's only a half cast, so I can put it back on with tensor bandages.  It was then that I noticed my toes had gone completely numb.  They are still numb TODAY!  They are not blue or anything so it's not a circulation issue, it's probably just swelling around the nerves.  But come on!  What else could happen with this damn foot?

Well I'll tell you what else can happen.  Jeff has been coming home at lunch to take Dixie outside because we live in an apartment and she needs to be taken out and I obviously can't do it because I can't walk.  However yesterday Jeff had to take the car in for an oil change and wasn't able to make it home, so I had to take her out.  I took the cast off and decided to limp down the hall and down the stairs.  As soon as I took one step down the stairs I head a popping noise and then felt extreme pain.  I managed to take Dixie out still, but my foot swelled right up again and hurt like hell.  I am not supposed to walk on it for 2 weeks, but what was I supposed to do?  There was no one else who could have taken her out.  So now I'm back in the cast and back on Ibuprofen.

To top it all off, it is currently 9:55am and it's +3°C outside.  Yeah.  We totally skipped fall here in Manitoba.  It's freaking winter out there!  The only thing we are missing is the snow and that won't be far off I'm afraid.  This really sucks for me, I am feeling the depression set in already. I have Cold Urticaria (allergic to cold) so I won't be able to be outside until around next May.  I mean I can still go shopping and stuff, but I have to wear like 50 layers of clothing and make sure I have extra strength allergy pills on me at all times or I could potentially die.  Damn.  I love Canada, but ever since I was diagnosed with this 2 years ago, I hate living here.  I want to move somewhere where it is warm all year round and I don't even have to deal with hives again.  Somewhere like Arizona.  Or Australia.  Either one would work.

So yeah, that's my week.  Depressing I know.  Hopefully next week, even though I still won't be able to walk around yet, will be better. 



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