Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 12 — Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

I just finished cleaning my whole apartment and I needed to sit down for a bit.  My feet are killing me!  I guess that's what I get for being a little OCD and spending the last 4-5 hours scrubbing almost everything I can see. 

Jeff's brother and his girlfriend are coming tomorrow from on Ontario for a visit!  I'm really excited, it's going to be so fun!  They are only staying until Monday, but this was a really good weekend to come here because it's our town's annual birthday a.k.a. 3 days of non-stop partying and drinking lol.  It's going to be a really good time.  I just hope the weather holds out.  About an hour ago there was just  HUGE storm with the loudest thunder I have ever heard in my life.  We get some pretty wild storms here in Manitoba.  The forecast says that there is a 40% chance of rain on Saturday and I really hope its wrong.  Our town has fireworks that night and an outdoor beer garden tent.  Please don't rain!

Today is Sampras' 2nd birthday!  He's growing up too fast lol.  I told Jeff to buy him a can of tuna for a special birthday dinner.  I know he's just a cat and has no idea what a birthday is or even what the date is, but I know it's his birthday and dammit I'm going to celebrate!

Well that's all I have to say for now.  Talk to you later!



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