Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Christmas is in 10 days!!  More importantly though, I'm coming home to Ontario this Saturday, only 4 days away!!  I'm so excited to be going home because I miss my family and friends and if I had stayed here in Manitoba for Christmas, Jeff and I would have been pretty damn lonely.  Practically all of the people we know are spending Christmas somewhere other than here.  I can't really have Christmas without my family, what kind of Christmas would that be?  Besides, what's a Christmas without "Ashley Presents: Christmas Eve Slumber Party Ooooooooooooh Nine!"?  It's going to be great!

So what else has been happening?  Well I had to go see a dietitian because my cholesterol levels are a bit too high for my doctor's liking.  It's mostly genetic though.  My Dad has high cholesterol.  I'm really glad that I went to see the dietitian though because she wrote out a meal plan for me and it tells me exactly what I can and can't eat.  Before I wasn't too sure and I would make a bad food choice and not even realize it.  Now I can go grocery shopping and know exactly what I need.  I really just need to eat more fish (which I love, so that's not a problem at all), more bran, and less sugars.  Oh and absolutely NO cheese products, because apparently cheese raises cholesterol like no other food there is.  That's fine though, I was kind of going off cheese anyways, I don't really like it.  Jeff is also buying me an elliptical in January because staying active helps to lower cholesterol and I can't be active for half of the year because winter lasts for 6 months here and I am allergic to the cold.  Having the elliptical will be great because then I can workout indoors.  I have to go back in June for another test to see if my cholesterol has gone down.  Hopefully with my new diet and new elliptical, it will go down no problem.

Oh I also wanted to say that I got my final mark back from my Bookkeeping and Accounting course... 79.41%!  I thought I failed for sure.  I also learned that 28 people dropped out before the course was over!  It was hard, but not THAT hard.  Oh well, at least I did well.



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