Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back In Manitoburrrr

Well I'm back in Manitoba.  We came back from Ontario on Sunday, January 3rd.  We got to the airport and thought we might not make it home though!  There was an apparent terrorist attempt on a flight on Christmas Day and this caused any flights going out of Canada to have HUGE lineups and delays because of higher security.  We were freaking out when we got there because our flight was supposed to leave in an hour and the lines were so long that there was absolutely no way we would get out of there on time.  Thank God that a West Jet worker was walking around yelling "Winnipeg, 8:15am!"  We went to her and she directed us to the front of a line.  We made it! 

The trip home was really nice.  It was good to see everyone again, even though I was kind of glad to be coming back to Manitoba.  Not that I wanted to leave my family, but just because I hate living out of suitcases and I like living on my own because I get to have all my own things where I want to have them and it's not so hectic and it's quiet.  I would love to live near my family, but I would have to have my own place lol.  Dixie and Sampras are pretty glad to be home too, they can run around here and not worry about other dogs or cats being in their way.  Sampras can sprawl out on the floor for the first time in 2 weeks and he loves it lol.  I do miss home though. 

People in Ontario are wimps though lol.  They kept complaining and whining so much about how they hated the "cold" weather they were having.  Oh my God, it was freakin' -15°C!  Give me a break haha.  When we left here to go home, it was -48°C and when we came back here it was -27°C!  They don't know how lucky they have it!

We are getting a new elliptical not this weekend but the next.  I'm so excited!  My New Year's resolution is to get back into shape and get healthy again.  I hate being sick all the time.



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