Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Warming Up!

Hokey smokes, it's -5°C!  In Manitoba!  IN JANUARY!  I know this may seem cold to some of you people, but that is freakin' warm for this time of year out here.  It was just -24°C a few days ago!  That's not even the best part though, it's actually going up to +2°C this weekend!  It's like spring is making it's early arrival or something.  I shouldn't get too excited though.  It's probably going to get colder again.  Damn weather!

We are getting our brand spanking new elliptical this Saturday.  I am beyond excited.  Time to get into shape!  The one we are getting is by Body Break I think.  You know, "Body Break: With Hal Johnson and Joanne McCloud!" haha.  It's supposed to be a really good brand, so I hope it works out for us.  We are getting it from Wal-Mart because they are having a sale right now.  I think the sale price is $367.99.  That's actually a pretty good deal.  We of course decided against buying at Canadian Tire because, and I am not even exaggerating one little bit here, EVERY single thing we have bought at Canadian Tire has broke within days of purchase.  Every single thing.  A TV, my bike, a humidifier... the list goes on.  Their customer service is beyond crappy.  The place is just a piece of garbage.  It's an embarrassment to even have Canada's name in it's title.  Honestly. 

Well I have to go and see if anyone is stealing my laundry out of the dryer.  I hate this apartment building.



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