Thursday, February 18, 2010


I hate Dentists.

That's right, I hate them.  I hate everything to do with them.  As Kramer from Seinfeld would say, I'm a "rabid anti-dentite!"  I have had a fear of Dentists for as long as I can remember.  I just HATE that scraping noise that is made when they have that pick and are taking the plaque off or whatever they are doing.  It actually makes me feel nauseous.  The worst part is when the actual Dentist comes in and starts stabbing your molars to see if you have cavities.  Not only does it hurt, but the fear of him saying 'oh, you have a cavity' is paralyzing.  Well thankfully I didn't have any cavities (I've only had 2 from when I was about 12 years old), but I got the worst news of all.

I have to get my wisdom teeth out.  ALL 4 OF THEM!  F U Dentists!  I mean, they are coming in but they don't even hurt, so what's the problem?  I don't think I should have to get them removed unless they are causing severe pain and I can't even feel a thing right now.  Ugh I am so pissed off, not to mention terrified.  I have to go to Winnipeg next Tuesday to have a consultation with an oral surgeon.  He is going to x-ray my mouth and then make an appointment to get the teeth removed.  What the hell, why did God gives us wisdom teeth anyway if you are just going to have to have them removed and then have extreme pain afterwards?  I asked both my sisters about it because they recently had theirs removed, and Brittany-Ann said it hurt her for a few days, but Amanda-Dawn said that is was the worst pain she has ever felt in her entire life, even worse than when she broke her arm!  WHAT THE HELL!!

Jeff said I am being a wussy, but I am really scared.  I have never had surgery before, what if I go under and then I never wake up?  Oh man I am really scared.  I mean, everyone I know who has had their wisdom teeth out has turned out perfectly fine, but what if I am the one person who gets all screwed up?  :(



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