Friday, February 12, 2010

Gearing Up For A Busy Weekend

Happy Friday all!

This is going to be a pretty busy weekend for us.  Tonight we are going to Festival du Voyageur.  It's Winnipeg's big winter festival, they have it every year.  It's full of different booths, live music, live acts, huge ice carvings, and fun winter activities.  I hope this year is better than last years festival though.  Last year it was about -30°C and I had a HUGE allergic reaction to the cold due to my stupid Cold Urticaria.  I ended up taking some really strong allergy pills that made me really REALLY hyper for about an hour, and then I started to go down really fast and I almost fainted... twice.  Jeff had to practically carry me to the car and I was completely covered in hives except for my face.  It was the worst reaction I have ever had.  This year should be a bit better though.  I'm wearing my long john's and bringing Benadryl with me, so I'm all set!  Plus, it's only going to be around -10°C, so as long as I am not rolling around in the snow and I only spend about 10-15 minutes outside in between the warm booths, I should be okay.  Hopefully!

Tomorrow we are going back into Winnipeg to do some grocery shopping.  We are also going out for dinner for Valentine's Day.  I know, Valentine's Day is on Sunday, but we are not going back into the city for a third day in a row.  It's a 1.5 hour drive to get there, and that is just too much.  On Sunday I think we are just going to make a romantic dinner at home.  I think tomorrow we are going to The Olive Garden for dinner.  I don't really like it but Jeff loves it so I let him choose this time seeing as how I chose Red Lobster for our anniversary dinner a few weeks ago.  I'll just have a salad or something.

I am also signing up for my next course this weekend and I am so excited for it!  I was going to take Business Website Development but they only teach you HTML (which I already know) and I basically know CSS too so it would be a waste of money to take that course.  I have decided to take Business Law instead.  I am really excited about it because it is basically all reading and writing essays and papers and stuff and I love doing that.  My last course, Bookkeeping and Accounting, was okay but it was all math and I HATE math.  This one should be more to my liking.  I'm just not to keen on the time period for it.  It starts on March 1st, and ends on August 31st!  That is 6 MONTHS!  It's because I'm taking it through distance education though.  If I were to live closer to the school and take it there it would only be 2 months.  I should have it done before 6 months though and you can take the exam whenever you feel like it.  I'm aiming to be done before July 1st. 

Well I have to go get ready to go to the Festival.  Bye!



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