Monday, October 19, 2009

Pub Crawlin' and Such

This weekend Jeff and I and just about all of our friends from Pinawa went into Winnipeg for a pub crawl to celebrate fall birthdays.  There are so many fall birthday's, it's actually kind of spooky.  We stayed the night with Jason, Deana, and Paul at Jay and Leah's apartment, someone people stayed at someone else's house, and some people stayed in a hotel.

We went to two places to drink.  Well, I didn't drink because I quit drinking awhile back.  If I have even half a drink I get really sick.  I can still have fun without drinking though, so it's not a loss at all.  The first place we went was The Toad.  It was fun, it was just like a regular pub.  We stayed there for most of the night.  After that we went to another place called The G-Martini Bar.  I really wish we would have just stayed at The Toad.  The G-Martini was more like a club and I am NOT the club type.  I have never been to a club in all my life.  The music was so loud you had to scream to the person sitting next to you in order for them to hear you.  Plus the place was so tiny!  It was just a small room in the corner of some building and it was so cramped.  Thank God we only stayed there for a little while.  Jeff wanted to leave because he wasn't feeling too well.  Overall, it was a really fun night though.

Right now I am just sitting here on the couch watching Dr. Phil.  Only because nothing else is on.  Dr. Phil is not even a real doctor, he's a complete moron.  I hate how he always says "When we come back, I'm gonna tell what I think about this".  F U Dr Phil, no one wants to know what you think about anyone or anything!  Okay getting off track here lol.  I think I'm just going to have a nap or something. 



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