Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, Friday, Friday!

It's finally Friday!  Yippee!  I love weekends because Jeff is home and we can spend some time together.

Tonight we are heading into the shithole of Canada for some shopping.  That's right folks, Winnipeg.  Winnipeg is by far the WORST town in all of Canada.  The crime rate is so high it's insane, and it's not just crime committed on adults.  In the past month one woman kidnapped a baby and smashed its face into a sidewalk, and a man stabbed his own baby in the head with a knife!  What the hell is wrong with these sick people?  What could a baby possibly do to make some that angry.  It can't even talk yet!  People like this need to be in jail for life with no chance of parole ever.  I don't even know why parole exists really.  You are sentenced to a time, you should serve that full time.  If parole didn't exist, that Jaycee Dugard who was kidnapped in the United States would never have been kidnapped.  GET RID OF PAROLE DAMMIT!  I hate the so called 'justice system' in both the United States AND in Canada.  The thing I hate most of all is that sham of a youth justice act we have here.  I mean, a person can kill someone at the age of 17 on purpose, confess to it, and only serve like a year in juvenile detention.  F that.  Send the bastard to jail for life!  Damn laws.  It just really upsets me.

Okay enough ranting lol.  I hope that when we go shopping tonight Jeff will let me buy a cabinet or something for all my makeup.  I have no room for it, it's cluttering up the desk I am supposed to be using for school.  I also need some type of container to hold all my brushes in.  I am looking for something similar to this:

It's really just a vase or glass jar with some filler to hold the brushes up.  I'm pretty sure I can get that all at Dollarama.  At least I hope I can.  Right now my brushes are squished into the leatherette brush roll they came with, and that's not really good for the bristles.  That roll is only supposed to be used for when I travel.  Plus I just ordered 12 new brushes a couple days ago and they don't come with a roll so I will have nothing to hold them.

Well I better get off the computer and start my day.  I have to take Dixie for a walk and then I have to force myself to get some school work done.  Self-directed correspondence is hard because you really have to self-discipline yourself.  It's like being on a diet and having your favourite cake sitting in front of you at all times lol.

I'll talk to you all later!  Bye!


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