Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Severe Torn Tendons"

Well Jeff came home around 1:30pm yesterday afternoon and took me to the emergency room.  After a total of 5 HOURS of waiting (slowest time I have ever had in a hospital, made worse by the extreme pain I was in) the doctor told me I have severe torn tendons in my left foot and ankle.  I am now in a cast from the bottoms of my toes to just below my knee and I am not allowed to put any pressure on it at all, so basically I can't walk.  Oh and to make matters ever more worse, the hospital only had crutches for people 6 feet and taller.  I am 5'1.  Yeah.  Great.

All is not lost though. Jeff and 2 of his friend, Yuri and Paul, got a little more than tipsy last night and made me some crutches out of 2 hockey sticks, a tree branch, and some foam padding from a sleeping pad used for camping.  I was extremely nervous at first to use them, I mean they WERE built buy 3 drunk guys, but actually they work pretty well.  Not as well as real crutches do, but they will do for now. 

I have to have this cast on for about 3-4 days, then I can take it off but I still am not supposed to walk on it for about 2 weeks.  Oh and also, I am supposed to ice it to make it heal faster but I can't because I am allergic to cold.  So it's going to talk longer to heal.  BOO!



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