Saturday, September 26, 2009

Worst Pain Of My Life!

Holy hell.  I want to cut my foot off I swear to God. 

Last night when we got home from Winnipeg I was sitting down.  When I stood up, I kind of rolled my foot and ended up putting all my weight on the outer side of my left foot.  It hurt a little bit, but it was okay.  However, it has done nothing but get worse.  It is now to the point where I cannot put any pressure on it at all without having extreme pain.  I don't even have to put any  pressure on it at all to feel like hell.

I'm pretty sure I broke it or at least fractured it.  I put a tensor bandage on it to try to ease the pain, but it is not working at all.  It's not really swollen though, that's the thing.  There is definitely something wrong though.  Ugh, it's always something with me!

I'm going to the hospital this afternoon once Jeff gets home from some Toastmasters meeting in Winnipeg.  I'll update on how that goes. 



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