Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In Pain

Well I got my 4 wisdom teeth out on Saturday.  Can I just say that this is the worst pain of my life?  I'm serious.  I've broken my wrist in 2 places, had a concussion, broken my foot, and had a needle in my back when I pinched my sciatic nerve, and all of that put together is like a happy dream compared to what I am feeling right now.  Ugh, I just wish it would go away!  I had no pain before this, the teeth were not hurting me at all!  Obviously this was so sort of money scam by the oral surgeon because I am certain that they didn't need to come out.  Once again, someone in the field of dentistry proving how loyal they are to the Devil!

It was so weird though.  I don't remember anything about the surgery, I don't even remember going to sleep.  The last thing I remember was a nurse guy telling me that my veins were small, then he said "okay, poke!" and I was gone.  The doctor told me before hand that I was not going to be put right out, that I was going to get the gas and be half awake during the whole procedure.  LIAR!  I was put right out, there was no gas at all.  I honestly think I should sue.  Doctors are NOT supposed to lie to their patients about what is going to be done to them.  Son of a bitch!

I'm on 3 medications.  Tylenol 3's (which aren't working for pain at all!), penicillin to make sure that no infection starts, and steroids to keep the swelling down.  Of course they only gave me 2 days worth of steroids so I'm finished them and my face is swelled up like a balloon.  *Sigh*, nothing is going right for me.

There is one slight upside to all this though.  Because my mouth feels like a thousand rusty nails are being hammered into it, I can't eat a whole lot because it's extremely painful and my mouth won't open wide enough to fit anything there.  I've been living off of Jell-o.  Anyways, the good thing is I've lost 6 pounds!  Yay me!  I still hate dentists though, and everyone who works in that field of work!



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